Many fans want to have an insight into a unique Zele sound, even though it is clear that the equipment is only a cherry on the top of the cake to renowned guitar players’ talent and the style of play. They will have their unique touch with every single guitar and equipment that goes through their hands. For those who appreciate the technical information, here is an insight in what Zele uses. He changes rack programs very rarely as they are ideally adjusted to the sound that satisfies Zele. Zele’s 2024 rig is stereo, whereas before he used three channels. This of components in the rack is:

– Mesa/Boogie Caliber 50 (preamp for crunch and distortion sounds).
– MArshall JMP1 (preamp for clean sounds)
– Custom 2-channel mixer (blending effect/drysignal)
– Rocktron patchmate with Hush (signal flow control system)
– Rocktron Multivalve (modulation and room effects)
– Eventide H3000 (basic modulation effects, delay).
– Mesa power amp – 2x25W

Zele would like to give his special thanks to Vladimir Kariolić from Rijeka (KHX amplifiers) who did an excellent job and arranged the rack according to Zele’s wishes and instructions. Zele highly recommends Vladimir and KFX to all guitar players as Vladimir is highly distinguished world-class professional.

– 2 x custom 1×12 speakers (made by Amir Kulenović; MK Amplifiers).
*In some performances Zele uses MK amplifiers.


– Voodoo Lab GCX controller
– Dunlop Cry Baby
– Digitech Whammy
– Midi splitter


Mnogi fanovi godinama žele imati uvid u unikatan zvuk Zeleta Lipovače, iako je sasvim jasno da je čuvenim gitaristima oprema samo šlag na torti njihovog talenta i načina sviranja. Oni će svoj unikatni ‘touch’ imati na svakoj gitari koju uzmu u ruke i na svakoj opremi. Za one kojima su tehnički podaci bitni, evo uvida u ono što Zele koristi. Jako rijetko mijenja programe na rackovima, jer su idealno podešeni za zvuk s kojim je on zadovoljan. Zeletov rig 2024 je stereo, dok je ranije koristio tri kanala. Popis komponenti u racku je:

– Mesa/Boogie Caliber 50 (koristi samo preamp s njega za sve distorzirane i crunch zvukove).
– MArshall JMP1 (koristi za clean zvuk)
– Custom 2-kanalni mixer (za blendiranje effect/dry signala)
– Rocktron patchmate with Hush (sistem kojim kontrolira tok signala)
– Rocktron Multivalve (koristi ga za modulacijske i prostorne efekte)
– Eventide H3000 (koristi samo neke osnovne modulacijske efekte, te delay).
– Mesa power amp – 2x25W

Zele se posebno želi zahvaliti Vladimiru Karioliću iz Rijeke (KFX amplifiers), koji je odradio odličan posao i posložio cijeli rack po Zeletovim željama i uputama. Zele Vladimira i KFX toplo preporučuje svim gitaristima kao rijetku osobu na svijetu koja može odraditi ovako dobar i kvalitetan posao.

– 2 x custom 1×12 zvučnici (izradio Amir Kulenović; MK Amplifiers).
*Na nekim nastupima Zele koristi i MK pojačala.


– Voodoo Lab GCX controller
– Dunlop Cry Baby
– Digitech Whammy
– Midi splitter