– More than 35 years of music career, more than 4 000 000 albums sold, more than excellent guitar player and author…
– Više od 35 godina na glazbenoj sceni, više od 4 000 000 prodanih nosača zvuka, više od izvrsnog gitariste, te autora…

The boundaries of East and West were made by two completely different worlds that will always be utterly opposite and will never understand each other enough, in spite of globalization and technological progress. However, from time to time history has raised special kind of human beings who were able to overcome, merge and even delete those border. Whether they are legendary rulers, warriors and military leaders or researchers, sailors and artists – they connected, shared and merged this world, thus changing it forever.

Zele Lipovača, a distinctive and unique artist, guitarist, composer and producer, brought West closer to East and enriched the western world with the spirit of Eastern mysticism and Balkan unfettered wilderness. His music has opened many doors at which others were merely knocking in vain. Today, after more than 35 years of his career with the band Divlje Jagode and with over 4 million albums sold, there’s a huge musical opus behind him and a large list of musicians and performers who perform songs he wrote. The sound of his guitar speaks for him. His guitar solos don’t exist just to be heard, they are here to be sung!

Granice istoka i zapada dijelile su dva potpuno drugačija svijeta, koja će usprkos globalizaciji i tehnološkom napretku, uvijek biti sušta suprotnost i nikad se neće dovoljno do kraja razumijeti. No povijest je uvijek s vremena na vrijeme iznjedrila ljude, koji su te dvije granice premošćivali, spajali i u konačnici brisali. Bilo da su to legendarni vladari, ratnici i vojskovođe, bilo da tu to istraživači, moreplovci ili umjetnici – oni su ovaj svijet povezivali, dijelili i spajali i time ga trajno promijenili.

Zele Lipovača, osebujni i unikatni umjetnik, gitarist, skladatelj i producent, istoku je približio zapad, a zapadu donio duh istočne mistike i balkanske nesputane divljine, te je svojom glazbom otvorio mnoga vrata na koja su drugi bezuspješno kucali. Danas, nakon više od 35 godina karijere s Divljim Jagodama i preko 4 000 000 prodanih nosača zvuka, iza sebe ima golemi glazbeni opus, te veliku listu glazbenika i izvođača za koje je također stvarao. Zvuk njegove gitare govori umjesto njega. Njegova sola se ne slušaju, nego pjevaju!